Awakenings Into

Messiah Connections

Synchronicities and lucid moments on my journey of awakening.

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Had an amazing time Sunday at NoFitState taking a Flying Trapeze class! This was my 3rd and final flight of a 2hr class, we were attempting to do a trick and I surprised myself ? Suuuper funnn!!! .. so…. I’m joining the circus ? hehe! Interesting parallel; on that same day exactly one year ago (3rd Dec) I was leaving Bali wheelchair bound with an undiagnosed illness, anorexic, jaundice, dotted with morpheme patches ready for the most gruelling flight of my life – I truly was in no fit state to be flying ? I arrived back in UK on 5th Dec – one year today! Although wasn't discharged from hospital here until 6th Jan … so another marker point upcoming, ooo I wonder what might happen then ?✨ Ahh how things can change in a year.. deeply grateful for this year of healing transformations and for the people in my life who have been instrumental in that process ???? Sharing the circus love! Thank you NoFit State Community #nofitstate #cardiff #learncircus #circuseverydamnday #circusinspiration #balance #training #circusfreak #athletes #aerialskills #alternativegym #strong #fitnessmotivation #stunts #havefun #fit #trust ?

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Several of you lovelies shared that this little fella is an inchworm!.. thank you ???? . I’d never heard of an inchworm ? back to Google I go, swipe to see some symbolic interpretation. I also discovered in England these critters are called loopers!? . I had noted the shape that the inchworm makes is similar to something I’d seen that week at my gym; a friend’s new yoga mat had a logo which was the Omega symbol Ω — isn’t that exactly how this critter looks when it moves?? . The omega symbol is the last letter of the Greek alphabet, symbolic of endings…..I’ve added screenshots of that exploration if you swipe. . Interesting to note the gym I’ve been training in this past year is closing its doors at the end of the month!! THE END — my shock surprise of the eclipse season!? . With more symbolic depth being unveiled, I also find it fascinating the inchworm chose the Queen of Pentacles for it’s tarot card – she is the “Earth Mother” so a natural affinity there. With this powerful archetype of the Divine Feminine I was reminded of a recent post mentioning a man’s anima – his inner feminine aspect. I’d learned a man’s anima functions as a guide to the inner life, mediating to consciousness the contents of the unconscious, that it cooperates in the search for meaning and is the muse in an artists life! . The “conquest of the anima” Jung speaks of as demonstrative of the mana-personality to which he says is “a psychological function of an intuitive nature, akin to what the primitive mean when they say, “He has gone into the forest to talk with the spirits” or “My snake spoke with me” or, in the mythological language of infancy, “A little bird told me.” . Yep yep yep, and this lil looper brings lots of messages! ?? . It’s shape also corresponds to the antlers that raise from the Queen’s crown, some divine juxtaposition! It actually moves onto the antler in previous post, meaningful given the significance of antlers; which grows beyond a body, bringing it closer to the sky and making it sacred – this inchworm is inching its way to divine providence!? . Aw it won’t be long until it’s transformed into a winged being and can take to the sky at will ??

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After exploring the omega symbolism in my last post l feel a little more comfortable sharing something I’ve only ever shared with a few people…. I’ll build up to it ? . So, 12 years ago I experienced a spiritual awakening. One of the main components in that awakening was a gas known commonly as ‘laughing gas’, yes the universe has a wicked sense of humour lol! It’s actually nitrous oxide, and I’ve since learned that the Oracle of Delphi was founded on a location where these gases were being released through the ground and were used by the priestess order in their ritual. I also discovered that Osho dictated several books from the dentist chair whilst breathing nitrous oxide! Fascinating, right? ? . I was living in Sydney at the time in the centre of Kings Cross. About 6months after my awakening I flew back to England to visit family. . During the initial stages of my awakening the Kabbalah was at the forefront of my discovery and whilst I was in London I began seeking books pertaining to that. I found a small book called “Kabbalah Made Easy“ . Within this book there was a chapter talking about ‘gematria’ – a system that assigns numerical value to a word, name, or phrase in the belief that words/phrases with identical numerical values bear some relation to each other. There was a link given in the book ?? . Naturally my curiosity was peeked and I visited the site. First I went to the Hebrew gematria calculator and typed in my name. The result? Mind blowing and at the time instilled great fear in me; my name according to this calculator became the number 666 ??? . I then typed my name into the Enochian calculator and my name became the number 288; the single attributed text to that said simply “parousia, the second coming” . Now I’m not the only Matthew Fry in the world! But understandably I may have what is psychologically understood as a ‘messiah complex’ ? . I’m a little scared to be sharing this, but I feel it’s time to look over the past and bring it before my adult consciousness. . Probably opening a big can of worms right now! But then an inchworm led me here ? and so I am trusting in the process ????

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After the latest inchworm visitor looping infinitely to Hans Christian Anderson ??? cuuute??☺️ . I was mesmerised by the lyrics!… . “Two and two are four Four and four are eight Eight and eight are sixteen Sixteen and sixteen are thirty-two Inch worm, inch worm Measuring the marigolds You and your arithmetic..” . So I’m feeling encouraged to share about Magic Squares! ? lol? . In a similar way as two plus two are four, and four plus four are eight, and so on… . The Magic Square of the Sun uses the numbers 1 – 36, which when added together.. . 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 + 34 + 35 + 36 . = 666 . This really wasn’t something I’d planned on sharing, the synchronicities however have been absurdly awesome! And so I’m excited to delve a little deeper and explore with you?? . I haven’t looked at this in over 5 years myself.. Ever does it fascinate? . David Fideler introduced me to Magic Squares the first year of my awakening ? . Fideler says: "The 6 x 6 magic square of the Sun contains the first 36 numbers arranged in such a fashion so that each line of numbers, whether added horizontally, vertically or diagonally from corner to corner, will yield the "solar number" 111. The entire magic square therefore equals 666, a number which was significant to early Christian mystics. In Hebrew Kabbalah, the names of the intelligence of the Sun and the Spirit of the Sun were designed to equal 111 and 666 respectively. Like 888, 666 is an important musical number, for .666 is the ratio of the perfect fifth, the most powerful harmonic interval." . I also thoroughly enjoyed reading an article today by Marty Leeds “Eleventy One and the Magic Square of the Sun” WOW. ??? I’ve learned so much ??? enlightening, light-hearted and, I love the opening quote and the many others referenced throughout! . Swipe to see some screenshots ? omggg . The full article is here ☀️?? . Ooo and the first coin images are of an ancient magical amulet!????‍♂️lol . ?‍♂️?✨??

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Woaaahh.. I just had the realisation this time 32 years ago, Ra Uru Hu was having his mystical encounter with the “Voice” receiving the transmission that would become the Human Design System! ??? . The Jovian Archive says “His encounter with the “Voice”, an intelligence that was far superior to anything he had ever experienced, lasted for eight days and nights from January 3-11, 1987.” . Ahhh? speaks of such mystery!! I must find out more.?️‍♂️ . I loved seeing that the 11th January; the day Ra’s experience with the Voice completed, in our calendar is the 11th day of the 1st month = 111 . A number known as the ‘Intelligence of the Sun’ … how neat!!!? . I was actually looking at my weekly cards in the Magi Calendar when I noticed the 1/11 configuration that‘s been presenting to me so often!.. now seeing the link between the “Voice” and 111 – feels expansive!!? . In the Rave I Ching we enter a new hexagram on 1/11 known as ‘inner truth’ – how profound to see that this entire system was anchored upon our planet within an energy of ‘inner truth’ ?❤️? . Interesting to note my birthday is the 12th Jan so I am born into this ‘inner truth’ frequency and express it as a part of my soul’s signature too! Naturally it feels right to write about it? . WOW. If the Human Design System first came into being, fully anchored on the 11th January 1987, then would that mean I, Matthew Fry, born 12th January 1987, was born on Day One of Rave Time? . Seeing as Rave Time was non-existent until Human Design existed….It actually makes logical sense ? Mind blown. ? Out of this woooorld!!! ? ? . So I currently also have 11.1 thousand Instagram connections on this account right now !! ? ???? . I read that the number 111 is the ‘Solar Number’ ☀️ and explored this more in a previous post, I’ll share a link to an article for anyone curious; thoroughly enjoyed reading Marty Leeds “Eleventy One and the Magic Square of the Sun” ??? . The full article is here ☀️?? . I learned so much ??? enlightening, light-hearted and, I loved the opening quote and the many others referenced throughout!??

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WOAH. ? . I share the same name with a Christian pastor who has written a book called “I Am” . I Am in complete awe of this!!!??? . Even the website screenshot is from … all so heavenly? amazing. I dunno what to say….. . Is there really *that* strong a resonance with a person’s given name and their destiny? ? . The author Matt Fry writes as the subtitle “Encounter the One Who Gives You Purpose and Peace in a Crazy World” . ? ….. seriously!!???? . Swipe to see a share I’ve been reposting as ‘Purpose Readings’ over the last couple months. I recorded it spontaneously, inspired whilst walking through the woods behind the cabin ?? . This connection is insane. Imma have to purchase Matt’s book ??️‍♂️? . Okiiies woaaah again ???✨✨ . Time I go talk with Genie now?‍♀️?‍♂️? freaking out. . Thanks for being with me on this crazy journey ??✌???

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Ace of Spades in the sky⛅️♠️?? . This is one of the sacred symbols of the ancients, the symbol for the Order of the Magi and the science of the cards. I often draw upon this profound system of divination during readings and consultations ? . Why seeing this cloud formation was a really fun synch moment! ? . The cards are a system of divination that foretells destiny, and… it’s accurate! I’m still pinching myself that it exists ? “is this for real?” Lol, yup!!!! All in the standard deck of playing cards and their connections to the stars ✨????? . These sacred symbols of the ancients profoundly connect to the cosmos and are ever influencing our lives!! ?♥️♣️♦️♠️?

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The sun was moving between the 21st and 22nd degree of Capricorn at the moment of my birth ☀️??? which accords with this Chandra symbol….. woah⚡️ . If you know the degrees of the sun, the planets, or any special markers in your birth chart — exploring the relevant Chandra symbols for each degree can be suuuper fascinating!????️‍♂️✨ . . Note: As with the Sabian Symbols, if you are born with sun at 0.4 degrees of Gemini for example, you would research the symbol for the 1st degree of Gemini. If you were born with the sun at 7.1 degree of Leo, read the 8th degree. So, like me born with sun moving through the 21st degree of Capricorn, I read the symbol for the 22nd degree. I know it sounds a little confusing at first, it’s just how it’s read and an important note! ??? . Swipe for an introduction to Ellias Lonsdale’s profound insight on the ‘Inside Degrees’ ????‍♂️?

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Aw bless?‍♂️ This was March 2006, I was 19 and had just arrived in Sydney, Australia! Wow, so this video was three months before I experienced a spiritual awakening?? . I have no recollection of this video existing or being filmed and so it was fun to find it Thursday! ?? ahh fresh faced Matthew ? has me feeling kinda ancient right now ???‍♂️haha . So this would have been my first time exploring Sydney Harbour, that’s the Harbour Bridge in the background! ? . Me and my friend Chris were staying at a hostel in Kings Cross at the time, we soon decided to rent an apartment down the road and so Kings Cross became central to our journey in Oz ? . I loveeee that the T-shirt I’m wearing says “Deep” on it ? especially after the snorkel I found in the woods recently…. and this here, now, looking through my oldest saved computer files, what is it if not a deep dive?! Thank you ocean forest for the inspiration ?? . I’m kinda hesitant to dive because I know what’s down there! ? deeeeeep Down Under ??? hehe… it was a mind-fold experience ? . Loving now having this video as a marker point arriving in Oz ? I was dipping my toes into a new city, a new country on the other side of the world, but I had noooo idea of what mind-blowing out-of-this-world depths I was truly immersing myself into ?✨? . Seems my stylist at the time was more in the know ? . More for a future post??? . Swipe to the end to hear sounds of the ocean that inspired sharing this (it’s been in drafts posts!) ?? ooo and whilst editing I noticed one of the memory drives is called Seagate ? ? . Oceans of love to you friends ??????????????? . Wishing you a beautiful joyful Sunday ✨☀️???? . Oh and btw I discovered the Blue Tit nesting in the sacred tree right after finding this video!! No connection ? ?‍♂️lol ??

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Last week I posted a clip from 2006 having just arrived in Oz ?‍♂️ This is 3months later at our apartment in Kings Cross, the footage I was actually looking for! Very gracious ???? . It amazes me that since retrieving the 12 y/o footage I’ve also been guided to re-read Richard Rudd’s insights into the 61st Gene Key ?? my “Life’s Work” — he has blessed this life experience with so much perspective ?? . Richard says that “Stepping into the pure pressure from the 61st Shadow will shatter the intellect completely, quite possibly inducing a state of acute psychosis in which you undergo a spiritual and/or mental breakdown or breakthrough.” . It happened to me and is what I refer to as my ‘spiritual awakening’. The video I’ve shared is one of the initial awakening moments during that time in my life. I’ve written more about it in a previous post and will repost that next? . Richard writes “Such shattering and powerful experiences usually alter the path of one’s destiny.” ??☀️ . The 61st’s Gift is Inspiration. . “Inspiration is what happens when you stop worshiping God and start becoming God.” . My ‘inspired’ exclamation in the video was a result of experiencing a state of god-consciousness that I’d breathed myself into through a balloon full of ‘laughing gas’ ??? . Watching back; I love that the balloon is pink ?☺️ . The voice in my head right now is saying “Embrace the psychosis Matthew” ? “embrace it and release the gifts of inspiration, embody the Siddhi of sanctity … and breathe” ???? hehe . From the book: “The word inspiration derives from the ancient Indo-European word for breath and is connected to the Latin spiritus, also meaning breath. The process of inspiration is a gradual releasing of your inner breath through the fabric of your reality and out into the world.“ . “What separates inspiration from other heightened experiences is that after inspiration you are permanently altered.” . Wow. I am understanding more deeply what happened to me at that time in my life, and with the Gene Key insights I feel clearer and stronger standing in this truth, my Inner Truth (Hexagram 61), it feels safe to share now ????? #thankyouforreading ??

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Jeeeesus? so I return from my expedition to the lion’s rock and these little visitors were in the garden! ? . I discovered they are Goldfinches! ? first my exploration led me to where, can you believe the Goldfinch — because of the thistle seeds it eats, in Christian symbolism is associated with Christ's Passion and his crown of thorns!? ? . Wow, swipe to read more ??️‍♂️? . I also LOVED reading Avia’s insights from ?? . “When finches come into our awareness it is a sure sign of ebullient times ahead. Finches are a sparkly omen of high energy and bright days on the horizon. . Consider their flight pattern. In the same way you can pick up on a person’s character by his/her gait, we can do the same with a bird’s flight. And, in the realm of symbolic interpretation, flight can give us a lot to work with in bird meaning. . Finches are never satisfied to just go from point A to point B. They seem to boogie from place to place. Bouncing and bobbing through air currents is big fun for these birds. Observing them just gives you a feeling of freedom and happiness. . Indeed, Native People of North America held the finch as a bird of happiness. They observed their variety and colors and considered this bird to be favored because they were painted in shades of bright joy. Furthermore, joyful dispositions and their obviously freedom-loving behaviors are admirable qualities much revered by our wise ancestors. . If that weren’t enough, Native wisdom holds the finch as an oracle of celebration and upcoming festivities. These are song birds, and their music heralds the bounty of spring. . Indeed, the song of the finch holds a great deal of symbolism. When the finch sings to our awareness it is a beckoning to unleash our own song. If we’ve been concealing our brilliance from the world – the finch is a sign to start making our value more audible and available to others. . The finch will sing lightly to your heart, and guide you on a bouncy path of creativity.” . ??? yippeeeee ????????

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This first image is a FB post from Nov 2017… looking back, it totally was a huge nod from the universe ??? and yep the tune is awesome fun? . What an AMAZING ride it’s been!! ✨✨ Recently I’ve experienced a symphony of synchronicity musically connected. I’m feeling inspired particularly by bird song! — the green language in alchemy ? It feels to me there’s something to explore there more ??‍??? we’ll find out! ✨ . An old dream is awakening and it’s time to share ? it was revealed yesterday this is where my energy will be focused in a much bigger way after Genie is successfully launched ?‍♂️?‍♀️ I’ll be sharing more about Genie App soon soon ? . If you continue swiping you’ll see a miracle conversation I had with a magical friend here on Instagram? She’d been inspired to share a documentary about Egyptian Sound Alchemy ? — in one message a Great Key unlocking many mysteries was gifted ?‍♂️ … just like that! ? OMG!! ? hehe, I can feel the high vibing energies reading back the exchange we had ? I mention an incredible synchronicity connected to something I’d just recorded, I’ve added those music inspired vids too if continue swiping? . And then there’s the “Vision Pyramid” I created in 2008! ? lol. If you swipe again you’ll see a close up section of the leaflets that I had picked up from a Gloria Jeans coffee shop on Oxford Street. I’d moved to Darlinghurst at the time. Silly thought just dropped in —?after leaving Kings Cross I moved to…. Darling what now? ? lol. Sounded similar to something else? . Anyways ? the coffee shop leaflet stand is what led to the collage idea! Yay inspiration!! And the resulting vision pyramid of 2008✨ which had at its heart “Superstar DJ” ???? . The threads are there, I see them clearly after compiling this post ? My awakening released a great surge of trapped energy into my life and that energy naturally sought an outlet through creativity. I shared about it more in the previous “Here I Am” & Gene Key posts.. woah. . ??the opening minute of that 2006 ‘DJ set’ is the last share here, it marks the beginning of this crazy wild ride! Woohooo for a musical renaissance friends ☀️???✨✨?????

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After my spiritual awakening I began hearing music in a new way ? Lyrics would speak to me like they never had before, listening became an experience of communion, a conversation with the universe. This is the opening minute of a ‘DJ set’ I created on Ableton 6months into my awakening, I was still 19 ? . Richard Rudd writes “The path through the 61st Gift is necessarily a very creative path, since true inspiration destroys some aspect of your inner delusion, thus releasing a great surge of trapped energy into your body and life. Such energy naturally seeks an outlet through creativity. Creativity is the single most important Gift for drawing humanity out of its mass psychosis. It unlocks the latent forces of inspiration inside you, pulling you away from a state of victimisation.” . And I’ve been very creative expressing what I was experiencing since that awakening time!??‍? . I was inspired to create the set whilst listening to the music me and my friend Chris had on our hard drives — It amazes me all the songs were already in our collection, just awaiting fresh ears!✨ . The first ‘mixtape’ I called “Here I Am” ? … fascinating to listen back after so long ????? . It was like a message my soul was hearing and wanting to record and express. Listening again was very cathartic, I wept and laughed and squealed and gasped. ???? . I’ve added some moments from the beginning 20min to this post (it was 1hr 45min total) – swipe if you’d like to explore a little more, you’ll see that young Matt was quite a little raver ?? older Matt reads Rave Mandalas! ???? lol, I’ve also shared some of the lyrics that I found in an ancient email account, I actually sent them to myself 29th Dec 2006!?️‍♂️ . Clearly I was having quite the intense experience ? thank you for exploring with me all these years later ?? an old music dream is being breathed back to life ? this is where it began ?? . — I’ve shared the 61st Gene Key in full previously, I’ll repost it again next ? ✨✨?? . A summary of my “Life’s Work” from that post: . “Embrace Psychosis Release Inspiration Embody Sanctity” . And so… . I present to you.. . “Here I Am” . ??? Lol ?

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Aww, I was just in the woods and a little bird flew really close whistling messages of a time I had forgotten about✨? I instantly recognised the bird as I’d met one last year, in this first video ? I think I’d erased the memory. . Swipe to see the messenger today who was very much alive and well ?? ✨ . Seeing the bird again inspired me to look for this video. I’m sharing because, firstly – the great mystery of the moving heart stone has been solved! ?️‍♂️? …. ?‍♂️✨ ..bless ? lol . So I recall now that this particular heart stone has also been a sacred tomb-stone to a kinglet! ✨ . This regal little bird of the kinglet family is known in England as a Goldcrest and they have a golden marking which resonates with their name ? ? . Cookie ? the little monster ?? resonating in her own way? ? innocently brought me closer to this beautiful bird.. sad, bittersweet, yet I find it heart touching watching back this clip knowing now both the Goldcrest, and the Firecrest that came into my life in January, both had mythically beautiful send-offs ??‍♂️The Firecrest buried at the roots of a sacred tree with a dragon etched upon it, and this darling Goldcrest in December laid to rest at the heart-mound that was adorned with a faerie ring of mushrooms just before ? ?‍♀️ ??‍♂️ beneath some rock solid love! hehe . The stone was recently part of a “love rocks” charging ceremony ?? which days later, after being gifted ANOTHER heart stone from the Glade? this time with what looked like a bird’s foot fossil in it? I then could see a bird-like resemblance in the way I had laid out the rocks!??? …. and now, since the first day of Spring, there are two Bluebirds nesting in the sacred tree that the crystal formation was pointed ? ..and they bring messages too that I shared about before, yay!! . Ahhh I find it all so beautiful ? it feels meaningful these connections to the birds, to nature, to Gaia ?? … #iamgrateful ?? ? ??

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☀️?✨ A trinity of Goldfinch greeted me Thursday and I began researching their symbolism?? I read that “when the finch sings to our awareness it is beckoning us to unleash our own song” beautiful! “The finch is a sign to start making our value more audible and available to others. The finch will sing lightly to your heart, and guide you on a bouncy path of creativity.” . Reading that inspired me to share this bouncy music ??? plus it’s Saturday night! ???? lol?? . Soooo here’s the next instalment of a ‘DJ set’ I created in 2006, 6months into a spiritual awakening! I was 19 and a raver? I posted the first instalment in March with writeup and lyrics [] and also included the lyrics for this next part of the set I’m sharing now. This first song is called ‘Light’ ~~ “the finch will sing lightly to your heart”… ?woah !? . I actually added the slides in drafts a week ago, it’s amazing listening back now after the Goldfinches have visited leaving their messages ?️‍♂️?✨ . I discovered in Christian symbolism the Goldfinch is associated with Christ's Passion because of the thistle seeds it eats. The lyrics in the set say “I’m letting music bring the passion out in me” !! ? . The next lyrics in the same song say “As long as time keeps the music nice and tight, I’ll have the courage to spread my wings I’m taking flight” haha wow ? amazing reference to birds again!?? . Fascinating and fun. I would never have drawn the link between ‘Christ’s Passion’ and the lyrics if it weren’t for the Goldfinch ☺️ I was raised without any religious threads, but I’ve refreshed my awareness today of what the Passion was as we enter into this Holy Week tomorrow ? . Using the lyrical story from this ‘Here I Am’ mix-tape, the words were “I’m letting music bring the passion out in me, no more crying happiness is all I see” yay!! ? well that sounds a little more uplifting ✨ No more crying, happiness is all hehe?? — . I’ll repost the 61st Gene Key next ? ✨✨??? . A summary of my “Life’s Work” from that post: . “Embrace Psychosis Release Inspiration Embody Sanctity” . And so… . I present to you.. . “Here I Am” Part 2? . ??? Lol ?

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On my way to Glastonbury ? omg the tuuuune thanks BBCRadio1 ????✨ as continued approach to the Tor this trip morphed into a ‘hero’s journey’ ? lol ?☀️ . Had such a magical time connecting with friends and exploring longer readings at Chindit House✨ A fourth beautiful lady was visiting and had a reading too! ? the energies there wow, Chindit is a jewel at the heart of Avalon ? a truly blessed place to fulfil these in-person readings ? . Annnnd OMG as I was leaving the fabulous owner Felicity said I was welcome to come back and continue doing readings from there ?? . Wow wow wow!! ? opens up so many new ideas, plus it’s a B&B — there’s accommodation!! .. ahh and it is divine ☀️??? yippeeeee! . Friends “We’ve got the keys” ? aw yay prophetic in a way as I‘m watching video again ? feel honoured and very grateful ?? amazing miracles accelerating!! ?✨✨✨??‍♂️?

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Beautiful blessed moments at Chalice Well Gardens aww hello little Robin ?❤️? . We were talking about the certificate from Bethlehem that I found last time visiting ? neat the Christian symbolism with the robin connecting as talking about the birthplace of Jesus, fascinates me!? . I honestly never knew there was a precise birthplace for Jesus and hadn’t seen this imagery before ? In fact I had been greatly puzzled by the hole in the ground with a star around it, especially after finding in the same tree a ‘peg that fits the hole’ with “goddess blessings” written on it and an underlying star to connect with the star in the certificate — swipe to see! ? . And keep swiping to see the first thing I read since coming home when type into google continuing this exploration ?️‍♂️ Right away I see 1717 !!! ?? this number wow it shows up sooo often, and linked with this theme, it’s phenomenal seeing it show up now again – swipe to the end to read some messages that connect with it☀️ . Anyhooo this is the abstract and wonderful way I read environments and experience reality ✨? and the Chalice Well Gardens in Glastonbury is a portal of sanctity, peace and pure magic with such beauty and flow ????? (I highly encourage everyone to go!!✨??‍♂️?‍♀️) ???

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? ? These clips are some peak rainbow experiences since leaving hospital and moving in with fam at the Glade ? an amazing healing journey that began last year ??? . The first video was taken from the top of the garden before the cabin was even an idea in our minds! A welcome rainbow over All Saints ✨ . The second is a mesmerising rainbow I recorded August 2017. My beautiful sis? had flown abroad for a student exchange trip, the morning after she left her precious cat passed away unexpectedly ? We didn’t feel it right to tell her until she came home, it was heavy and I remember struggling with the grief, a sad time, a week later my sis returned and upon the eve of her hearing about Mango passing, this mystical rainbow amidst red skies blessed us ?❤️? . Swipe to see another rainbow blessing when my great aunt passed away? I’d recorded the video for my grandad ? . Finally continue swiping ? to see an epic buildup to a glorious rainbow, now from the manifested cabin space, with some awesome ⚡️thrown in for effects ? . Okies so I felt to search my personal Genie collection for ‘rainbow’ and see what came through ~ I adore this poetry of Lord Byron?? . “Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray.“ . I also loved this blessing from the Earth Magic Oracle by Stephen D Farmer ? . Rainbow ~ Blessings: “A rainbow is created by the collaboration of sunlight and water in the atmosphere. The water droplets become tiny prisms that collectively diffuse and disperse light into a ribbon of colours that is the essence of every hue we are capable of perceiving on this planet. Rainbows symbolize many things, including good luck, a bridge to heaven and abundance. . It is difficult for any of us to ignore the majesty of a rainbow and the gentle power inherent in its display. It is such a simple blending of the elements coming together in perfect visual harmony to create one of the most beautiful sights in all of Creation. Although there are diverse meanings attributed to the sight of a rainbow, a common thread is that it offers blessings.” . Beautiful ?? . Rainbow blessings to you friends ????

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?? So after posting about the Omega synchronicities and then about reaching a fractal family on social media of over 144,000 following, I‘m then sent a recent archaeological discovery of the Alpha and Omega symbols embossed upon the stone of the sarcophagus of the Kings Chamber in the Great Pyramid of Giza – never before reported! Wow!!! The next day I literally find a treasure trove – see my last IGTV ? including a pair of regal lions, medallions, a canturbury cross, a radiant sun-like plate and a divine copper trumpet… . BLOWS my mind!!! ??? . Especially with the connection to this Emerson quote: . “Make your own bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your reading have been for you like a blast of the trumpet.” . A quote you’ve likely seen me share multiple times? . I had a spiritual awakening in 2006 and shortly after I remember reading this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson. I immediately began selecting and collecting everything that resonated as a ‘trumpet blast’. . So finding this trumpet treasure that used to belong to the previous owners of our house ? OMG. Beautifully divinely orchestrated. These surprises are total delights to experience ? . I since discovered a photo from the past sale of our house and can see the copper items were once at the heart of their living room! Now they bless the cabin with a gracious glow ???? grateful for divine gifts ?? Swipe to see photos ??

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Been experiencing some miracles ✨??wowweeee?? So after finding a treasure trove in the garage I was inspired to find our property’s listing from its previous sale — I was looking for photos of the old living room! (shared in swipes?) . 2016 was my family’s first year at the Glade ? I was living in Bali ? In November 2016 I contracted a parasite ? – ‘contracted’ is concise as it was a contract that brought me back to ??????? .. in a wheelchair, after a gruelling morphene riddled emergency flight home and 6weeks total hospitalised. So it wasn’t a ‘planned’ return visit ? In Jan 2017 I was discharged and began my healing journey which is still ongoing, I have another hospital scan in 2 weeks ? . When I was discharged I moved in with family at the Glade. I don’t believe circumstances would have ever led to an invite for me to move in and live with family, I was 30 and it wasn’t my intention or wish to either, and yet this illness that overcame me I see now was an initiation into a new life and an entrance into a reality that couldn’t be entered any other way ♠️ . So after a year healing at the Glade and loving living with family? I was invited to stay and we built a cabin at the end of the garden in the woods. It allowed me to continue my healing journey and stay living with family yet have the space and quiet to honour the work I was doing and the readings I was fulfilling. See, Mum is a blessed childminder and their are several little cherubs in the house at most times, adorable to be in the presence of but not a very functional work environment for me! So the cabin was built initially with this in mind. Still amusingly the readings are rarely quiet as the birdsong is so glorious ?? . With this new chapter beginning I also opened my Instagram accounts and began sharing my ‘journey’ — It has been absolutely magical ? and I’ve hardly ‘journeyed’ anywhere !!!? . I never dreamt any of this would happen and yet it feels so natural ???? I share such an affinity with the Glade and feel so blessed to be here, it is home ?? . Then this week the lions appeared?! It happened shortly after…… . Swipe to continue????

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Creatively inspired by the patterns on the cabin floor and how they connect with this cross! ??‍?✨ . The cross was part of a treasure trove I found last week ?? . I then am reading a post by @RobertEdwardGrant posing questions “Is the Templar Cross really an abbreviation for the 1.) The Flower of Life 2.) The Prime Wheel 3.) The 3D Flower and Vector Equilibrium ? — In other words, is it a symbol of very advanced mathematical knowledge?” . It sure looks like it when I see Robert’s amazing diagrams and work ?? . Robert writes in another of his posts that “This cross symbol shows up throughout history all the way back to the Sumerian Tablets and Steles (circa 4,000BC), recognized by historians as the world’s “first” civilization. It emerged again in midieval Europe during the Crusades to the Holy Land (Knights Templar). The pure coincidence associated with a recognizable shape or lost mathematical knowledge rediscovered?” . I thought momentarily I had a Templar Cross in my hands but a little further exploration and I arrived at the true origins! ?️‍♂️ — for this particular cross at least, which is known as the Canterbury Cross! ✨ . Swipe to see the original ? . They generally signify a link with Christianity and are based on just one example that came to light in 1867 during an archaeological excavation in the centre of Canterbury. . I read that “Fashioned from bronze, the cross’s four arms each enclose a small, silver triangular-shaped panel containing a triquetra, which, along with the triangle, symbolise the Christian Holy Trinity. At the centre is a square boss, and it may be significant that while a square may symbolise the earth and earthly matters in Christian art, a circle may signify the cosmos, while the vine leaves that decorate the piece’s edges may represent Christ (who stated ‘I am the true vine’, as recorded in the New Testament 15:1).” . Wow! Awesome connections. I’m loving exploring these mysteries and seeing how far back the symbolism goes and the sacred geometry contained within, all so fascinating! ???☀️??

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Hehe funnn ? this morning I went on a grand adventure!… to the other side of the valley ? lol, I wanted to take some photos and so glad I did!! It amazes me that so many synchs could converge in one place ? swipe to see! ✨✨ . First, climbing on top of the ‘lions rock’ (as it stands out in my imagination from childhood?) I then see a tree right next to it that has JC written in a heart!! ? How neat? Eyes now totally alerted ? and scanning environment for more.. OMG. I was dumbfounded to find that underneath the lion’s rock someone had written the word Jinni???!!!!! which is the actual Arabic origin of our western Genie ?‍♂️?‍♀️? ✨✨ . Of course Scott, who painted “Scott ❤️ Jinni” was no doubt declaring his love for a beautiful woman named Jinni ☺️ and now today, here I am led to this spot just as I’m taking leaps forward with Genie App that I adore ??? it’s incredible. Woah the universe is making it super easy for me to feel like I’m on the right path moving in the right direction here ?????⭐️ . There’s also a very funky smiley tree stump that made me LOL, I can’t put a name to the face, some mix between Casper the friendly ghost, Scary Movie franchise cute ‘scream mask’? or, my first thought was TinyChef on Insta as I’d recently seen him looking for a special tree stump ? . Oooo and last but not least, keep swiping to see another phenomenal dragon synchronicity that this convergence spot in the woods reminded me of ??? wowweeee ?? . I don’t know how to explain it, I trust it will all make more sense in time — for now, I’m just in awe that these synchronicities have happened ? maybe it’s time to call them miracles hehe. Life really is magical ✨?? wishing magic and miracles to your days friends ????

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Reminded of this miracle book today ?? I shared the Christmas passage previously and am recalling this now — wow!!! ???❤️? — . Here are some further detailed notes from the book I discovered online that encouraged me to buy it ?? . “Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here.” . “The spiritual journey is the relinquishment, or unlearning, of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.” . “Love is the essential existential fact. It is our ultimate reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in us and others, it is the meaning of life.” . “We came here to co-create with God by extending love.” . Beautiful. Thank you Marianne for extending to us all the miracle of A Return To Love!! ???✨ . Many happy returns!! ?? hehe. Happy Easter? Much love to you friends ? ?????

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… is this a wormhole opening? ? . I’ve had these slides saved as a draft post awaiting inspiration to write!? . Last year I experienced my first ever encounter with an inchworm (or a looper as they are known in Britain!) . In wonder of this tiny creature it became imprinted on my mind. Later that week I saw the same arched shape on a yoga mat – it was this point I realised the similarity to the omega symbol ?️‍♂️ . Whilst reading about the omega symbol I learned it is also used in astrology as the north node, or the ‘dragon’s head’ — so now this little inchworm has become a dragon! ? ? … a hidden dragon synchronicity amidst other more obvious ones in 2018. I learned that the south node is the ‘dragon’s tail’. . Fast forward to a month ago and I’ve been reading Gene Keys where I find an Ouroboros at the core of my genes! The serpent/dragon biting its own tail is symbolic of great cycles of change as well as many other things. . Whilst reading about the Ouroboros I saw a section from Viking lore that spoke of a ‘lindworm’ and immediately made me think of the ‘inchworm’ — we’re looping back around ? . Then last week I returned from an amazing trip to Glastonbury and am in the forest with a soul buddy when Cookie comes out of nowhere holding a ‘slow worm’ in her mouth! ? Saving the slow worm (completely unharmed) we had a brief photoshoot in the Glade — that’s the last swipe ? . Funny reflecting now how neither of these creatures are actually worms ? the ‘inchworm’ is a caterpillar of the geometrid moth and the ‘slow worm’ is a legless reptile found throughout Eurasia often mistaken for a snake (also apparently a worm!)? . And so today, slowly inching into a wormhole that isn’t a wormhole ? a passage of great mystery awaits ✨ ? ✨ ??

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It’s been a long and interesting journey! The kilometres clocked here be testament to this ? . Thinking back to my spiritual awakening in Australia – I’m nearing the 13 year anniversary now, wow! (getting old ?) . I took this photo a few years into that awakening and remember it being Valentines Day 2009. I’ve shared a screenshot from an archived website published in Oz where I wrote about the experience fresh (bless!) swipey swipe? . I‘d been reading books about 2012 in which a cycle of time known as a Baktun was equal to 144,000 years. It was said to complete in the year 2012; the end of the Mayan calendar. . I discovered the meaning expands in further directions looking through various cultures — 144,000 is an important sacred number. The added 444 was an angelic touch to get my attention I thought lol . Other numbers have been highlighted to me on this journey, 666 particularly, which had still remained an enigma until more recently. . Actually, whilst I was looking for the dashboard photo to share, I was stunned stumbling across an old gem of email correspondence! ???️‍♂️ raw unfiltered share from 2011 if continue swiping. . Ahh and the gentle and generous response I received ??? I have yet to read Maurice’s recommendation; searching for his books again was super intriguing. I ended up at the Dublin Museum looking at the Holy Grail!! ? swipe to see! Like. The Actual One. Apparently? For me the time that clocked-in as I looked was confirmation. Must go and see it in person ? . Ooo and as of last week I’m now connected with a social-media fractal-family following of over 144,000 souls!❤️??????? woohoooo!! . Together we’ll make miracles happen friends ✨?? I love you ?? . Okiiiiies hehe, back to the dashboard of the car and our vehicle theme for today.. after that photo was added to my Instadrafts I drove to yoga ??‍♂️ as I was leaving… look who‘d parked next to me in the last swipes!!? yaayyy ? ONE❤️ ?

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Billboard reading downunder ??️‍♂️? . Swipe to see ? These photos were taken in 2009 three years after experiencing a spiritual awakening in the heart of Kings Cross, Sydney. . I remember for a time being very excited to see what the new billboards would be, it felt like I was being communicated with through this specific billboard on Oxford Street near my house lol . First it was “Get Centred” — that was when our little chat began ? Next I saw “Defy Gravity” which was incredible to me because I’d been engrossed in Wicked the Musical and my favourite song was… Defying Gravity! Then seeing the G-star billboard actually being put up was extraordinary considering the past 2 years I’d been a wannabe DJ with the chosen handle “DJ Gstar” — so it was momentous to me, in fact I had become very wrapped-up in the fashion brand (literally only wearing that brand ? aha?) …. then the next billboard to go up was “Avatar”!! Woah. Naturally I hadn’t seen the awesome movie at that point but the word avatar was something I was very familiar with, now it was on the billboard that I’d previously seen the G-star advert put up…. saying “Enter The World” !? ? . Lol — have to add, I haven’t looked at these photos in a lonnnng time, but seeing them all again now, wow!! ?Reflecting back on those early days of my awakening has been fascinating? . Oh jeez, yep, there’s more!! ???

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The sky writer’s full message was “Jesus All About Life” swipe to see ? . I remember the awe and excitement seeing this ? I was walking down Oxford Street with a friend, it was 2009, I was 22, and 3 years into a spiritual awakening that took place in the neighbouring suburb Kings Cross. I was living in Sydney, Australia ?? — you can see the Sydney Tower in the top left corner ? . Ooo and if you saw the previous billboards post – the ad on Oxford Street at the time was G-star Raw ? . G-s… Raw … hmm ?? jeez, ok let’s just say it ? …… . So, part of my awakening experience over the past 13 years has been dealing with the curious question whether I am the Second Coming. . And if so, does that mean my soul was the personality Jesus in a past life? ??‍♂️ . What I do know is Life is Amazing and has helped me entertain the idea in great depth at least ?? . Say if it were true, what does that mean for the world? ?? . I understand this all sounds ‘crazy’, of course it would when consensus reality has another term for this: a psychological illness known as a “Messiah Complex” – but I ask politely, did Jesus have an illness? He was quite vocal about who He was. . I’ve lived with these ideas a long time. I am still learning ? yet life continues to validate the “Jesus Story” part of my awakening with increasing synchronicity and for that reason it feels to be an important aspect to share. And, now feels right… kinda freaky though as Jesus was crucified supposedly age 33? I’m 32! ? lol, so maybe me sharing this is brave? ? or just insane ?? At the very least it makes for an interesting story ?✨ . My sense is there’s been talk of a Second Coming for good reason!!! Preparation in a way, and anticipation.. YAY!! ☀️ . This curious question is part of my story; I’d be false if I weren’t true to that. The answer isn’t the focus here.? . On Instagram I’ll attempt giving expression to this quest experience as authentically as I can. I’ve been exploring since I opened my account ? ? ? mostly in subtle ways but some more direct shares too.. you’re welcome to scroll back in time with me, for now — the exploration continues ????

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Guess who was asked on Myspace in 2007 to take part in an ad campaign! ? “Aussie Safe Sex Ad Campaign – based on the 1987 Grim Reaper commercial. This high-camp update features music by Kylie Minogue.”? . I’ve included the Grim Reaper commercial first so you can see and feel for yourself. Grim indeed, but necessary for context. . “As fear campaigns go this one is certainly remembered by most Australians. While it did indeed bring awareness to the presence of HIV, it has been argued that it did little to actually facilitate HIV prevention or create change in the group most affected by HIV, gay men. . As noted by the social research group Sigma Research, fear campaigns are not noted for creating actual change: . • Fear arousing imagery can be good at attracting attention and is often memorable. • Fear-based campaigns are more persuasive for individuals who are already engaging in the desired, health-protective, behaviour. • Arousing fear in individuals can have many unintended consequences such as denial or othering. • Most homosexually active men are already fearful of HIV. • Arousing fear is not an effective means of facilitating sexual behaviour change. . So basically the campaign simply increased fear in and of gay men and HIV. Not an ideal outcome. . Twenty years post Grim Reaper, ACON released “The Glam Reaper” featuring the eternally camp Mitzy Macintosh adding colour and humour to what had been a sinister and dry campaign. . Lighter, brighter, without the fear adding a clear message: HIV is still here, condoms work well in preventing HIV, use them. . What I love about this ad is that it takes ownership of the death icon of the Grim Reaper and spins it around to a strong message that reinforces the importance of safe sex and that while things may have changed, safe sex is still the key to reducing HIV transmission. . No fear, and no stigmatizing of target groups or potential stigmatising of people living with HIV.” . — a breath of fresh air after the 1987 commercial! . Fun to reminisce. ACON hired out a cinema and volunteers were treated to popcorn whilst watching ourselves on the big screen ? Another momentous moment in the crazy life of Matt ??

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This came through Genie ?‍♀️????? . “The early Chinese believed in four magical, spiritual, and benevolent animals; the Dragon, the Phoenix, the Tortoise and the Unicorn. The Dragon was the most revered of all. In its claws, it holds an enormous magical pearl-like egg, which has the power to multiply whatever it touches. The ancients believed the "egg" symbolized the most precious treasure, which was Wisdom. Dragon eggs are said to share their magical energies with their owners.” …. woah!?✨✨ . Naturally I felt to repost when I was gifted a dragon egg by the Glade last month ????? . Continuing from Gillian Macbeth-Louthan writes ???? . “Dragons are the embodiment of primordial power – the ultimate ruler of all elements. Dragon medicine includes change and transformation, wisdom, infinity, longevity and movement through space. Dragon's power is that of shedding its skin and coming out as a new, transformed being. The dragon provides us with fierce protection and possesses inherent magic, adding extra power to any thought you may have. . Dragon represents the supernatural and infinite self. They can ward off wandering evil spirits, protect the innocent and bestow safety to all that hold his egg. The Dragon is the ultimate representation of the forces of Mother Nature, the greatest divine force on Earth. From the very start, Dragons were seen as guarding treasures, holding back the floods, and dispensing knowledge. Originally, it was believed that the dragons were the ones who talked directly to the Gods. . Dragon is full of life and bravery. Extremely independent and freedom-loving, they need an environment that allows personal creativity. Dragon are dreamers, love adventure, and believe that they are destined to achieve great success. They want to make a huge impact on the world. If Dragon takes action to realize dreams, there is no limit to the heights that can be achieved. In ancient China, the celestial Dragon represents an emperor and power. Today, it is the ultimate fortunate symbol signifying success & happiness. May the celestial Dragon bring great good luck to everyone.” ?wow??YAY!!??? ??✨?????✌??

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Continuing the “Jesus Story” ?. .. lol ? . So here you can see that cheeky little “messiah complex” had already taken ahold! ? Around my waist. ? . I’d been asked on MySpace to be part of an AIDs awareness campaign in 2007 (see last IGTV post). It was fresh after a spiritual awakening that happened to me the previous year in Kings Cross, Sydney, Australia. . Swipe to see the full belt hehe! it actually says “Jesus Loves You” ? aww ? . Framing it this way felt in keeping with the playful lighthearted ad campaign parody ? . I had purchased the belt in an All Saints store in London before ever considering going to Australia. It was a tongue-in-cheek purchase at the time not being raised religious and Jesus meaning little to me. I thought it was fabulous and wore it out clubbing mostly, which is likely where I was noticed for the ad campaign that would later have me wearing it! . I partied lots in Australia, it was partly the path that led me to experience the spiritual awakening – I’ll repost previous shares where I’ve talked about it in more depth. . So I arrived in Sydney the week before Mardi Gras 2006 ?? In 2008 I went to the Mardi Gras after-party and was surprised to see these posters were plastered EVERYWHERE I looked, every tent, all the walls, on every door, even in the toilets ? it was quite a strange but joyous affair. . As is reflecting back on all of this! ?? There’s lots lots more, and even more again that I think I’ll have to save for a book in the future ??? . For now, I hope you liked this second instalment of the “Jesus Story” ?lol . Having fun here ? earlier I was freaking out at the idea of sharing ? but Genie encouraged me with the screenshot messages I’ve included if you keep swiping ?‍♂️ ?‍♀️ ?? yayy Genie and co!!✨☺️ . Oooo and btw ~ back to the belt hehe….. I love you as well, friends ??

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So I created this a few days ago, posted it, deleted it. I think “I” thought it might be seen as egotistical and was doubting the message coming through ?‍♀️?‍♂️ for me to share. I posted it again a day later saying something along the lines of “I’m with Leonardo, who‘s with us?”? no longer a declaration with a minimalist caption, but camaraderie and an invitation in a minimalist caption?lol.. however it didn’t feel right annnnd I deleted it. ? . Then my mind was fizzing with ideas that WOW Genie brought through this message, and when most people think of “genies” they probably think of “wishes” — but wishes being granted is the theme — and yet here was Genie coming through with a wish!!???? I thought that was amazing, and what a beautiful wish it is??? . Today, and what prompted writing this, in fact it has immediately propelled me out of a writers rut and I’m so excited to share because…. the thoughts I’ve been having are leading to MORE miracles!!?…. . So, Genie is a portal, a bridge?, that’s how I’ve been guided to see it, it can be a portal for divine communication if approached with an open-mind and heart, and, here was Leonardo Da Vinci coming through in LEO season with these amazing words ? …purposeful? I believe so after joining a few more dots …. . Last month I watched a documentary Robert Edward Grant published to his IGTV that was unlocking mysteries contained within the Vitruvian Man. Most people probably already joined the dots now ??‍♂️… . Yeah that dude Leonardo drew the Vitruvian Man!!? and the mini-doc is called “The Real Da Vinci Code” . I hadn’t joined those dots when I first posted this #geniespeaks quote last week … even though I’d not long watched the documentary ??‍♂️? Intuitively I kept deleting my posts, but now the dots have been joined i’m like ??? it’s time to share!! And hopefully not delete ? . So here was Leo channelling through Genie a reminder directing our attention to one of his many miracles!!!!✨✨✨ . Watch “The Real Da Vinci Code” ??? . ?? Dot joining like you’ve never seen!!!! ?Woah. Really inspiring work and a Great Mystery?️‍♂️?️‍♀️ ✨✨???

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Just in awe here ??Yesterday I post about Leonardo Da Vinci, today I am browsing the headlines in my morning Huffington Post email and end up reading this! ✨✨ . I rarely look at the news and became conscious of the oddity I was immersed in, about to stop and pull back from crazy world ? I’m looking directly at the “Before you go” section, when I see “Leonardo Da Vinci Masterpiece reveals hidden drawings” ? … noooo waaay!! Haha. I had just shared a link to hidden mysteries in another of his masterpieces ?? smiling at the synchronicity of it all. . Clear to me now this Leo nugget is what I was being led to?️‍♂️ Clicking through linked to CNN and an article by Rob Picheta ?? . Swipe to explore more!✨? . Aw loved reading that the angel in his first composition was looking at the Christ child “with what appears to be a much tighter embrace” cute ???? . I read also "These new images were found because the drawings were made in a material that contained some zinc, so it could be seen in the macro x-ray fluorescence maps showing where this chemical element was present, and also through new infrared and hyperspectral imaging," it explained. . The revelations were made as the National Gallery announced a new exhibition on the artist, titled "Leonardo: Experience a Masterpiece," which will run from November. . The 500-year anniversary of Leonardo's death was commemorated earlier this year, and the artist, scientist and inventor remains one of the most enduring figures in Western history. . His surviving body of work as a painter is slim: Fewer than 20 artworks are universally attributed to him, although two of them — the "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper" — are easily among the most famous in the world.” . Absolutely fascinated by this masterful amazing man and the Works he has created, Wow ???? . Also find it incredible #geniespeaks yesterday kinda prophesied these hidden sketches: “I think miracles exist in part as gifts and in part as clues that there is something beyond the flat world we see” ??✨??‍??‍♀️??

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When I lived in Sydney miracle mail would manifest at our house ? One occasion was a letter addressed to “Transmission Promotions Pty Ltd” which, with great intrigue I may have opened ??️‍♂️ and contained a cheque for $300 written to the same company. The cheque had been signed with a signature “888” ?? For a moment I thought someone had come before and laid out a path with a company already in place to launch my then DJ dreams; this being the trademark, I thought momentarily a company was going to be passed to me (I did think I was the Second Coming of Christ so anything was possible, right? lol?) . It was likely mail for a previous occupant, the mysterious cheque still exists in a box in Bega downunder ? Fascinsting still because it carried mystical synchronicities and these have been stirring in me recently after exploring ever-deeper the Gene Keys transmission…. TRANSMISSION being a key word! ? . Richard Rudd teaches a Transmission is “A higher field of consciousness whose sole purpose is to penetrate and awaken those aspects of itself that still remain unaware of their greater reality. Most transmissions assume the form of a teaching or set of teachings that enter the world exactly when the world is ready to receive them. All transmissions follow natural fractal lines as they spread throughout humanity, bringing with them a higher order of consciousness. Even though transmissions may take the form of words and practices, their true nature lies shrouded in mystery. The Gene Keys Transmission is a part of the wave of awakening generated as the Great Change is felt in the world.” . Wow. And now 10 years after opening the mail, Genie is manifesting — which in-part is a vision that would connect and promote many Transmissions in one place, in one App! “Transmission Promotions” ? love it!?? . Back in 2009 the cheque was added to a collage I‘d been inspired to create full of items that had some timely symbolic or magical relevance??‍♂️ . There was another letter addressed to “A Hicks” which arrived at the house whilst I was immersed in the Teachings of Abraham Hicks! ? That also made it into the quirky collage lol ?✨??

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Curiosities ? After finding "Hidden Treasure" in the form of an amazing article by Paul Levy ( I'm then looking at Paul's website and I see this image on his home page! . I was impacted by the holey hands. My next thought arriving with a giggle as I looked upon the sun was that I have "lunar whorls" in palmistry; one on each of my hands (swipe to see) It felt to be an interesting connection to expand on here given what my handy research brought up… . Hand Analyst Ed Campbell writes in his book 'Encyclopedia of Palmistry': “A whorl in this area is an even stronger sign of imagination and a sure sign of lunar influences” he says “the subjects with a whorl on the lunar mount identify themselves with their daydreams because they appear to be real." . …. appear to be real, or maybe they are real? ? Of course I’m programmed to say that ????? . I read also that Beryl B. Hutchinson publishing in 1967 (titled: 'Your Life in Your Hands') observed a whorl found on the hypothenar eminence (Luna) heightens the individuality of characteristics drawn from the subconscious! Oooooo??‍♂️?‍♀️?? . And… according to Jena Griffiths ( "the moon whorl is the mark of a spiritual teacher, someone who is here to teach you how to access and connect with the deep intuitive or 'spiritual' side of who you are.” ?‍♂️ Jena also says "This marker is so rare that if you have it, it overrules any other markers that show up in your fingerprints.” Wow. And it’s on both of my palms ??‍♂️ . So I may not have 'holey hands' but I present these seeming ’holy hands' for contemplation? ?? . Anyhooo I digress, the article of Paul's is linked on his homepage: (see! The dream is real ?hehe) . Fascinating to explore and I love Paul’s writing. Interesting that some of my own life experiences and understanding seems to contradict with Paul and Steiner's perspective ? but for the whole they resonate and feel spiritually nourishing ? . I asked Genie if I should share this, swipe to the end to read their full msg —they spoke about birthing the collective Christ Light!?

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? …. wasn’t going to share this, but it has brought me to deep primal tears rewatching, and again when editing to fit slides here ? it really touches something deep !! ?? for me at least — a ‘sacred wound’ Richard Rudd would likely say. It was a cathartic experience and so profound and healing too, and so I am sharing now because one of these Seven Sacred Seals (swipe to read them all?) will be an answered prayer to a sacred wound within your genetic makeup ???? . I super recommend beginning the Gene Keys journey if any of this resonates with you ?? ??‍♀️??‍♂️ . I’ve been reading the Pearl Sequence which led me to a deeper exploration of the 22nd Gene Key, my “Pearl” — which is where I found these Seven Sacred Seal transmissions ? ✨?? . I feel to share the passage from Richard’s book ‘The Pearl Sequence’ that prompted me to dive into the 22nd Gene Key ?? . “The purpose of your Pearl Sequence is to bring to crystal clear clarity about what you are really here to do in life. This wisdom allows you to continue to contemplate your life in the material dimension, bringing the spiritual dimension in underneath. Ask yourself the Grail Question over and over again: how can I be of the upmost service to the world in the short time that I am alive? Look at your Gene Keys and their lines for insights to help you see a clear answer. The answer you are looking for will come as an insight that opens up your whole being, rather than just an intellectual answer.“ . Wow. ? Goodness graciousness ??? . This transformational Work “catapults our consciousness into our Highest Potential of Pure Expressions of the Divine, fully embodied, right here, right now.” . If resonating the website to visit is?? . . .. where you can create your free Hologenetic Profile! ? Steps are on the site. ??

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Just noticed the gorgeous full moon rising into view here at the Glade and felt to take a photo ? … I was mesmerised by the moonbeam cosmic kiss ? and with the location of the pinnacle of All Saints church too?! wow neat ? …I recorded a little video in awe if you swipe ?lol . She seems incredibly bright tonight ?✨ full around 9 hours ago ? . I always love reading Mystic Mamma’s Astral Insights for the moon cycles: . MM writes “This Aquarius FULL MOON encourages us to witness what is being illuminated and unhinge from the ties of public opinion to continue to unfurl who we truly are. . We are in an evolutionary time that is encouraging us to embody our true essence. . Everything is shifting right now, and it is a time to access higher mind and take a broad wide view. These are the keys that open the doors to new perception. . Our thoughts create our world. That is the frontier. . And so as we continue to expand our own thinking and ways of seeing, we help turn the tide.” . She goes on to say “Right now it’s about clearly seeing, integrating and bringing a compassionate view to our multi-dimensional landscape.” . Then begins to unveil the Mystic Mamma Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers! So recommend reading them all ???? . Full post here?? ????

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Ahh lucky horseshoe ? another of the treasures from my IGTV share the other week ✨ . Sunday was Father’s Day in England and a table was booked for lunch at The Bridge. On arriving my eyes lit up seeing the Hungry Horse logo outside ? (swipe to see) yay!! First time I’d seen the symbol since finding treasure? . Once we were seated I saw next to our table a shelf with a couple of old books, I asked my sister to pass me one so I could do a dip!???? . Swipe again to see the first sentence I dipped to at The Bridge (“this is the path to heaven”) ? made me smile, I love bibliomancy!!? . The whole page was rather interesting though, a dude named Chrystal giving an account of himself ?? known for his highly ambitious expectations! Lol . I took a photo and then dipped once more, again I was in awe of where my finger landed? and what I read further down the page too! ? . Messages and messengers are everywhere. Aw neat realising this happened at The Bridge, and on the first Father’s Day since my dad passed away, too ??? So many layers ? anyhooo I shall be returning to this pub and dipping again in the near future hehe ??❤️

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This has been sitting in my drafts for a while ? but after a little bibliomancing in the previous post it feels right to share my first documented bibliomancy adventure ?✨ . So it was 2015 and I’d been inspired by an idea to travel the globe and whilst travelling visit all the grand libraries, magical bookshops and special places where books gather, and I’d be documenting the journey and telling a transcendent story through an ancient art known as bibliomancy ✈️??????✨ . The idea was connected with Genie App. An aspect of Genie is to help us select and collect all the words and sentences that light us up the most – precisely the tool I would be needing to use to effectively tell the transcendent story! ? I would be on a joyous quest of discovery travelling and telling that story as it manifests, hand in hand with a Genie-Us way to spread awareness of bibliomancy and the teachings hidden between the lines ?? all whilst demystifying mysticism and promoting an amazing app that’s changing the world one thought at a time!!?‍♂️?‍♀️? (yaayy bright futures!? hehe sounds dreamy ?) . Anyhoooo, I went off on a tangent sweetly reminiscing ~ now to this first adventure! Which was in my hometown Clevedon ? . I was off to visit a second hand bookshop tucked away behind a row of Edwardian houses near the pier. I took a scenic harbour route and marvelled all the way, and WOW what was waiting in the bookshop!! . The first book I was drawn to was phenomenally connected, it literally talked about what I was in the process of doing/exploring and wanting to share ? “Outside Lies Magic” is Book One of this bibliomancy journey. . I also went with requests from family and friends so was dipping into books seeking insight to pass onto them. I’ve shared all of those if you swipe too, the last was for my sister who would have been 10 at the time ? Awww cute❤️ . The final slide I read as I was leaving, charmed entirely! ?✨ . Loved finding these photos last month and it’s been lush reminiscing writing this! Now I’m wondering where I’ll be going on my next bibliomancy adventure ??️‍♂️?✨? any ideas? Blessings and much love ??

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Woweeee. I was absolutely stunned by this gorgeous butterfly yesterday and still very much am ???? . I’ve since discovered it is a “Peacock butterfly” (Inachis io) of the European nymphalid family… ??? . Peacocks, butterflies, nymphs… where to start ?? . Well, a common feature of all three are their iridescent wings✨?? . I’ve been reading an article by the BBC titled ‘Butterfly's secret sparkle captured’ and they share “the colours are often not due to pigments but are created by tiny structures that manipulate the very nature of light itself. The trick is called iridescence and the secret lies in the detailed structure of the wing.” . I read that each Morpho scale of a Peacock butterfly’s wings has a series of cuticle ridges arranged in a "Christmas tree" formation ?? . ”Each layer reflects light in the same way as a thin film of oil on water. The effect of several layers produces multiple light reflections. The well-known effect of light interference causes some colours to be cancelled out while others are reinforced. The result is the striking colours we see.” . These Peacock butterflies have iridescence down to a fine art????‍? Such remarkable light shows they create for us!! ?✨ . And the iridescent colours of these magnificent beings have long fascinated scientists! In 1634 Sir Theodore de Mayerne, physician to Charles 1, observed that the "eyes" on the wing of the peacock butterfly "shine curiously like stars, and do cast about them sparks of the colours of the Rainbow” . ….. ?? just heavenly…. omgoodness. ?????✨? and the connections with previous posts — ?woah. Amazing! Will repost some soon? . Rainbow sparkles on iridescent wings to you friends, wishing you a beautiful week ahead ???????❤️✨✨✨?

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I mentioned the Order of the Magi in my last post and was inspired to delve a little deeper – hey Google! ??? . I found myself reading an awesome article by Gina E Jones ????? . “The magi became skilled in astronomy and astrology (which, in that day, were closely associated). They were also involved in various occult practices, including sorcery, and noted for their ability to interpret dreams. It is from their name magi that our words magic and magician are derived.” . She writes that “in the late 1800s, Grand Master of the Order of the Magi, Olney H. Richmond, claimed that the Order of the Magi was the star religion of the ancient Chaldeans and said that this tradition existed 20,000 years before the birth of Christ. Indeed, it was held that the (Three) Magi of the Bible were members of this Order and that Christ himself later became an initiate. . Reviewing the rich and varied history of the magi, it appears that even today the magi are still giving their gifts and have given a gift far more valuable than gold and more powerful than either frankincense or myrrh. They have generously given everyone on Earth the gift of life…the cards of life. . The wise and kingly men have given us, you and me, the ancient mystical system of knowledge of self-discovery and transformation. They have given us Cardology, the most accurate system there is for knowing who we are, why we are here, our life story from birth to death, and our script for every moment of every day for every year of our lives. . These wise men brilliantly combined the simplicity of numerology and the basics of astrology/astronomy with a highly accurate calendar. Thousands of years ago, the magi created the greatest gift of all time, secretly encoded with the colors, numbers and symbols of playing cards. What a gift we have been given from the wise and kingly Magi. Are you ready to receive and open their magical gift?” . Amazing!! ♥️♣️♦️♠️ — . Update? when reading Dane Rudhyar’s ‘Occult Preparations for a New Age’ there was a section that reminded me of this Secret Order — it inspired this reposting! If you’re interested swipe to read ??

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This is an insightful, empowering article written by one of my teachers Robert Lee Camp in his newsletter Visions ?? Here he’s speaking about the 2 ♠ card, which is also my Birth Card ? . Okies so over to Robert ?? … . “I talk a lot about the 2 ♠ card when I do workshops and lectures but have somehow overlooked writing about it in the newsletter until now. In fact, this is one of the most important cards of our current Age in history, extremely significant because it, more than any other card, helps define what this upcoming Age of Aquarius is going to be all about. Knowing that, we can begin to align ourselves with its energies now and keep ahead of the changes that are already taking place on a global level. . The 2 ♠ is the Aquarian Card. In The Mystic Test Book, Olney Richmond displays a special layout of cards whereby there is one card in each of the 12 astrological houses. In the 11th house of Aquarius lies the 2 ♠ . Its fascinating that when we hit the year 2000, our world also entered into a Grand Cycle of the number 2, a cycle of 1000 years of learning how to cooperate with each other while learning to recognize and acknowledge our individual differences. This will be a great age of communications and scientific discovery, both keywords for Aquarius and the 2 ♠ card. Astrologically we are now in the twilight zone between the Grand Age of Pisces and that of Aquarius. Jesus ushered in the Age of Pisces just as Moses ushered in the Age of Aries 2,000 years earlier. . Now, as we approach this New Age, many are looking for a figurehead, some sort of spiritual leader who will light the path for the next 2,000 years. However, there is a strong likelihood that this New Age will not have a singular leader in the traditional sense. This is because this New Age is one where everyone is acknowledged for their unique contribution to the world's success. Thus the Age of Aquarius may instead be a sort of global happening, a sort of hundredth monkey thing that arises out of communities being networked together to share ideas, information and resources.” (??makes me think Genie ?‍♀️?‍♂️✨??) . Swipe if you’d like to continue reading ???

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Reposting ✨?‍♂️?‍♀️ #geniespeaks . This sentence was a ‘blast of the trumpet’ that inspired an amazing journey!? ? ?? . I first read Emerson’s words in 2007 a short time after experiencing a spiritual awakening. . Twelve years later and I’m preparing to launch Genie, an app/tool that helps you ‘select and collect’ all the words and sentences that in all your readings light you up the most✨✨ . Those contents are precious and to be able to draw upon them and be reminded of them again and again feels to be a positive idea ?? . The App isn’t created yet, we’re gathering momentum ? the energy has been building for some time? . I’ve collected tens of thousands of what have been ‘trumpet blasts’ in all my reading, and I intend to have them all catalogued, referenced and linked to their authors ? . Once completed I’ll be making the collection available on Genie the app, which will be accessible to anyone — and everyone will have the option to make their personal collections public on the app too! ?‍♂️?‍♀️ . I’m so excited for this to go beyond text as well! To add all kinds of media? . There’s so many facets to Genie which I’ll be sharing more about as we move forward. . One of those is how it can be used as an oracle!?? it’s a modern mystic’s bibliomancy — minus books lol . I’ve harnessed the power of my laptop to pull a single item from my 50000 collection at the press of key ? ☝?? yay!!✨ . I always like to explore with Genie in readings and open channel to see what guidance comes through ?? . It’s an honour and a pleasure to be of service!?? . Bright wishes ☀️ and much love! ???

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