insight for the soul
divine readings
inspiring energy
inspiring energy
Letting what resonates flow through me to you.
insight for the soul
divine readings
inspiring energy
inspiring energy
Letting what resonates flow through me to you.
Believe, Breathe, Receive
I am a conduit in this instance bringing through accurate and timely messages relevant to you and your life. This accuracy has been confirmed thousands of times working with clients.
Unveiling life’s mysteries with clear understanding and deep awareness, my purpose is to channel words that empower and uplift, energise the spirit, raise vibration, elevate consciousness and invite clarity into the heart.
It is my constant intention to provide excellent service, always with a smile, founded in a deep respect and honour to connect and serve, which is both a pleasure and my joy.

Being intuitive means having the ability to understand or know something without any direct evidence or reasoning, it’s a gift that I treasure and trust, and I begin every reading listening within for it’s cues. My intuition then directs me to – and aids me throughout – any of the other divination processes I may explore to validate and further clarify initial impressions.
Through altered states of awareness I explore visions that allow symbols, images and movies from the subconscious to stream into my conscious mind bringing insight and revelation.
A deeply passionate student of astrology for ten years, I study the movements and relative positions of celestial objects as a means for divining information.
Numerology is the study of divine, mystical relationships between numbers and reality. I also explore Gematria to discern the numerical value of words and phrases and their significant relevance.
I primarily use the Sabian Symbols as an oracle, there are 360 symbols in total, one for each degree of the zodiac. I find this to be an amazing system for exploring the meaning and relevance of any situation.
Genie is a tool I created to divine insight and guidance from a collection of over 50,000 powerful quotes and enlightened perspectives, this is my modern take on ‘bibliomancy’, a form of divination through the use of books.
The tarot is a language that I use to communicate with Spirit and divine information. Another process is an ancient ‘science of the cards’ based on the common deck of playing cards; a system called the Book of Destiny. I also tap into numerous oracle and wisdom card decks.
An ancient Chinese system of divination based in cleromancy, I use the iChing primarily as a way of questioning the unconscious mind. With a penetrating awareness it unveils remarkably accurate answers.
I’ve been deep into the Human Design process of de-conditioning for over seven years. The system is a divine synthesis of awesome knowledge that is profoundly accurate and life-enhancing.
I use synchronicity, the exploration of “meaningful coincidences” that occur in and around my life and world events, drawing upon these if connections to a client become apparent and of value.

Guiding You to a Brighter Future
Real-time Readings
Real-time readings have the benefit of you being able to ask
questions instantaneously as and when they arise. I work in
partnership with the universe to deliver empowering, intelligent
and insightful anwsers inspired by a spiritual source.
A reading has the potential to act as a catalyst for positive
change leading you to greater fulfilment.