moved by soul, led by heart
witnessed by mind, guided by star

Eighteen Years Into A Powerful Spiritual Awakening.

about matthew

I was nineteen when I experienced a spiritual awakening, three months into an adventure that had taken me to the other side of the world, far far away from my hometown in England. I had moved to Australia, carefree and living la dolce vita when the rapture happened. For me it was a suspended moment in time where I touched god-consciousness, a profound mystical oneness and incredible opening and realisation that changed me forever. Prior to that moment, although gifted with an abundance of love in my life, I had no conscious spiritual threads, no religion or philosophy, I was a blank canvas in that respect; suddenly painted with an awesome spectrum of majestic colour. For several weeks even my physical vision was enhanced with everything appearing brighter and more lucid. Transformed, reborn, life became deeply magical, and I felt guided in every step I took, feeling that I was here on a mission. I had a purpose for being.

Immediately after this awakening I began to seek out anything that would further elucidate what had happened to me, and, over time, this journey of self discovery and spiritual exploration led me again and again to numerous means of divination. I had an unquenchable thirst and burning desire to move forward only by the guidance of my soul, to do what was in alignment with my destiny. I still am this way today, only now part of my destiny is to help quench other’s thirst and feed the fires of their souls with divination and awareness, fresh perspectives and spiritual counsel. I’m living my purpose and dreaming awake, a modern day mystic eighteen years into an amazing spiritual quest, blessed to do my soul’s work, full of love, grace and giftedness.

I Matthew Fry, see and draw to me, through Divine Love, those beings who seek enlightenment through my process, the sharing shall elevate us both.
Sharing the Love

Let’s Connect

I joined Twitter in 2009 which led to a beautiful heart opening and dance with destiny for several years. My experiences on the platform deeply impacted me in wonderful ways, a blog post to come in the future! I’m proud to have led over 3000 people to affirm their unity with the Oneness Day Petition as a part of Humanity’s Team, as well as uplifting and inspiring millions through some exponential tweeting, more than 100,000 of which were ‘favourited’. I’m most deeply grateful for the numerous amazing friends and connections made during that time. In 2010 I also launched a Facebook group creating community space for us to come together supporting and encouraging each other. I took a long hiatus from social media from 2012 – 2017 but have returned refreshed and would love for you to join us! You can click the icons below.
Mystic Matt


Sun in Capricorn with Capricorn Rising and a Gemini Moon

In numerology my 'Life Path' is 11 and my 'Soul Urge' is 22

I have 'Simian Lines' in palmistry, fusing head/heart, thinking/feeling

Born in Bristol under double unicorn heraldry

Whilst living 'downunder' experienced Aboriginal 'dreamtime'

Made a Director of the World Shift Network in Australia age 20

I'm an ENFP in Myers Brigg's and a 3w4 in the Enneagram community

I was born when Ra's Human Design 'Voice' transmission ended

'Genie' is a divination app/tool I'm excited to launch!

My workspace opens out into the glade of an ancient forest

I was a founding member of the Global Love Festivals in 2012

I LOVE animals, that's Rossy my Balinese cat in the photo!

Get In Touch

If you have any questions about my services, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you!